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General Financial Rules 2017 - Chapter 3: Budget Formulation and Implementation
- Financial Year covers the period
- From 01 Jan to 31 Dec
- From 01 April to 31 March next year
- From 01 July to 30 June next year
- 01 September to 31 August next year
- Presentation of Budget/ Annual Financial Statement to Parliament is made under the provision of
- 112 (1)
- 112 (2)
- 113 (1)
- 113 (2)
- Who shall arrange to lay Budget/ Annual Financial Statement before both the Houses of Parliament
- Concerned Ministry/Department
- Finance Minister
- Public Account Committee
- The provisions for preparation, formulation and submission of budget to the Parliament are
contained in Articles
- 112 to 116 of the Constitution of India.
- 112 to 115 of the Constitution of India
- 110 to 114 of the Constitution of India
- 111 to 117 of the Constitution of India
- The budget shall contain the following: -
- Estimates of all revenues expected to be raised during the financial year to which the
budget relates
- Estimates of all expenditure for each programme, scheme and project in that financial
- Estimates of all interest and debt servicing charges and any repayments on loans in that
financial year;
- All of the above
- State whether true or false
The accounting heads under which major tax and non-tax revenues are collected shall be
prescribed by the administrative Ministry in consultation with the Budget Division in the Finance Ministry.
- True
- False
- The rates of user charges should be linked with appropriate price indices and reviewed at least
- every year
- every two years
- every three years
- every five years
- The expenditure Charged on the Consolidated Fund and expenditure for which a vote of the Lok
Sabha is required have been provisioned in
- Article 112 (1) and Article 112 (2) respectively
- Article 112 (2) and Article 113(3) respectively
- Article 112 (3) and Article 113(3) respectively
- Article 112 (3) and Article 113(2) respectively
- The estimates for expenditure for which vote of Lok Sabha is required shall be in the form of
- Vote on Account
- Demand for Grants
- Vote for Grants
- Vote on Demand
- The final unit of appropriation is
- Major Head
- Minor Head
- Primary Head
- Object head
- State whether
One Demand for Grant is presented in respect of each Ministry or Department and under no
circumstances more than one Demand for Grant in respect of a single Ministry or Department shall be
- True
- False
- The Demand for Grants shall be presented to Parliament at
- single level
- two levels
- three level
- four levels
- Pick the incorrect one
- The Demand for Grants shall be presented to Parliament at two levels.
- The main Demand for Grants shall be presented to Parliament by the Ministry of Finance,
Budget Division along with the Annual Financial Statement
- The Detailed Demands for Grants, for consideration by the “Public Account Committee
(PAC) of the Parliament, are laid on the Table of the Lok Sabha by the concerned Ministries/
Departments, as per dates approved from time to time.
- None the above
- The heads under which provision for expenditure shall be made in the Demands for Grants or
Appropriation shall be prescribed by the Finance Ministry in consultation with the
- Public Account Committee
- Administrative Ministry or Department.
- DRSC stands for
- Disaster Relief Standing Committee
- Departmentally Related Standing Committee
- Demand Reviewing Standing Committee
- Demand Review & Structure Committee
- Outcome Budget Statement is prepared by Department of Expenditure in consultation with the
concerned Ministries and
- Union Cabinet
- Finance Commission
- NITI Aayog
- Public Account Committee
- The budget statement linking outlays against each scheme/project with the outputs/deliverables
and medium term outcomes is known as
- Performance Budget
- Output Budget
- Deliverable Budget
- Outcome Budget
- MTEF Statement stand for
- Medium Term Expenditure Framework
- Most Tolerable Efficiency Factor
- If the Appropriation Bill seeking authorization of the Parliament to make expenditure in consonance
with the Budget proposal is likely to be passed after the start of the financial year to which it corresponds
then pending the completion of the procedure prescribed in Article 113 of the Constitution for the passing
of the Budget, to cover expenditure for a brief period the Finance Ministry may need to obtain a
- Vote on Credit
- Vote on Demand
- Vote on Account
- Credit on Demand
- Vote on Account’ has been referred to in
- Article 113 of the Constitution.
- Article 114 of the Constitution.
- Article 115 of the Constitution.
- Article 116 of the Constitution.
- State whether true or false
Funds made available under Vote on Account may be utilized for expenditure on a ‘New Service’.
- True
- False
- A copy of the entries made in GFR 5 during the preceding month shall be sent by the officer
maintaining it, to the Head of the Department or other designated Controlling Officer on
- 1
st day of next month
- 3
rd day of next month
- 7
th day of next month
- 15th day of next month
- State whether true or false
This statement shall also include adjustment of an inward claim, etc., communicated by Pay and
Accounts Officer directly to the DDO (and not to his Grant Controlling Officer). If there are no entries in the
register in any month, a statement need not be sent.
- True
- False
- To monitor the receipt of the returns from DDOs, the Controlling Officer will maintain a broadsheet
in Form
- GFR 3
- GFR 4
- GFR 5
- GFR 6
- Pick the correct one regrading examining the point by the Controlling Officer on receipt of the
returns from DDOs.
(i) that the accounts classification has been properly given
(ii) that progressive expenditure has been properly noted and the available balances worked out correctly
(iii) that expenditure up-to-date is within the grant or appropriation
(iv) that the returns have been signed by Disbursing Officers. Where he finds defects in any of these respects, he shall take steps to rectify the defect.
- i, ii and iii
- i, ii and iv
- ii, iii and iv
- All of the above
- When all the returns from the Disbursing Officers for a particular month have been received and
found to be in order, the Controlling Officer shall compile a statement in Form
- GFR 5
- GFR 6
- GFR 7
- GFR 9
- On receipt of all the necessary returns, the Head of the Department shall prepare a consolidated
account showing the complete expenditure from the grant or appropriation at his disposal upto the end of
the preceding month in Form
- GFR 7
- GFR 8
- GFR 9
- GFR 10
- Who shall be responsible for the monthly reconciliation of the figures given in the accounts
maintained by the Head of the Department with those appearing in the Accounts Officer’s books?
- DDO & Accounts Officer jointly
- DDO & Head of Department jointly
- Head of Department & Accounts Officer jointly
- All of the above jointly.
- Pick the incorrect one
- DDOs shall maintain a Bill Register in Form TR 28-A, and note all bills presented for
payment to the PAO in the register. Payment details shall be noted in the appropriate
column of the Bill Register.
- The PAOs shall furnish to each of the DDOs including Cheque –drawing DDOs, an extract
from the expenditure control register or from the Compilation Sheet every month.
statements for May to March shall also contain Progressive Figures.
- The DDO shall furnish to the PAO a certificate of agreement of the figures as per his books
with those indicated by the PAOs by the 15th day of the month following the month of
- The Principal Accounts Officer (or PAO wherever payments, relating to a grant are handled
wholly by a PAO) of each Ministry, shall send a monthly statement showing the expenditure
vis-à-vis the Budget provision under the various heads of accounts to the Heads of
Departments responsible for overall control of expenditure against grant of the Ministry as
a whole.
- The Head of the Department shall furnish a quarterly certificate to the Principal Accounts Officer
certifying the correctness of the figures relating to Grant for the quarter by
- the 15th of the following month after the end of quarters
- the 15th of the second following month after the end of quarters
- the last day of following month after the end of quarters
- the last day of second following month after the end of quarters
- The Departments of the Central Government shall obtain from their Heads of Departments and
other offices under them the departmental figures of expenditure in Form GFR 8 by
- the 7th of the following the month
- the 10th of the following the month
- the 15th of the following the month
- the last day of the following the month
- A Broadsheet shall be maintained by the Departments of Central Government or each Head of
Department and other authorities directly under them, to watch the prompt receipt of the various returns
from month to month in Form
- GFR 9
- GFR 10
- GFR 11
- GFR 11
- In order to maintain proper control over expenditure, a Controlling Officer shall obtain from the
spending authorities liability statements in Form GFR 3-A every month, starting from the month of
- April
- June
- September
- October
- The Controlling Officer maintains a Liability Register in Form
- GFR 2
- GFR 3
- GFR 3A
- GFR 6
- Ultimately responsible for the control of expenditure against the grant/appropriation is
- Head of Department
- Accounts Officer
- Authority administering the grant/appropriation
- Head of Department & Accounts Officer jointly.
- The Accounts Officer shall not allow any payment against sanctions in excess of the Budget
provisions unless there is specific approval of the
- Head of Department
- Chief Controller of Account
- Controller General of Accounts
- Chief Accounting Authority.
- State whether true or false
The savings as well as provisions even though that cannot be profitably utilised shall not be
surrendered to Government before the end of the year. No savings shall be held in reserve for possible
future excesses.
- True
- False
- Re-appropriation of Funds has been referred to in
- Rule 10 of the Delegation of Financial Powers Rules
- Rule 10 of GFR 2017
- Rule 10 of R & P 1983
- Rule 10 of GAR 1990
- Re-appropriation of fund involves transfer of fund from
- One department to another
- One major head to another
- Capital to Revenue or vice versa
- One primary unit to another.
- An application for re-appropriation of funds shall ordinarily be supported by a statement in Form
- GFR 1
- GFR 2
- GFR 3
- GFR 4
- In all orders sanctioning re-appropriation, the reasons saving and excess and affected primary units
(secondary units, wherever necessary shall be invariably Stated for amount of
- Rupees 50 thousand or over
- Rupees 1 lakh or over
- Rupees 2 lakh or over
- Rupees 5 lakh or over
- Supplementary Grant has been mentioned in Article
- 113 of the Constitution
- 114 of the Constitution
- 115 of the Constitution
- 116 of the Constitution
- Expenditure in excess of the provisions for the service included in an Appropriation (Vote on
Account) Act shall be met
- By Supplementary Grant
- By Excess Grant
- By an advance from Consolidated Fund
- By an advance from Contingency Fund
- Contingency Fund of India has been set up under Article
- 266 (1)
- 267 (1)
- 266 (2)
- 267 (2)
- The procedure for obtaining an advance from the Contingency Fund and recoupment of the Fund
shall be as laid down in the
- Contingency Fund of India Rules 1952
- Contingency Fund of India Rules 1955
- Treasury Rule
- GAR 1990
- Who appears before the Committee on Public Accounts and any other Parliamentary Committee
for examination of accounts?
- Head of Department
- Financial Advisor
ReplyDeleteCorrection in ans of Q 8
ReplyDeleteIt should be 112(3)& 113(2) respectively
ReplyDeleteCorrection in question no. 45 it should be 2021 instead of 1952
ReplyDeleteGeneral Financial Rules 2017 - Chapter 6
ReplyDeleteNice blog thanks for possting